The Loon’s Necklace — An Experience of the Common Loon

The Loon’s Necklace — An Experience of the Common Loon

Listen to a Tsimshian story from Alaska about how a loon restores a blind man's sight and is rewarded with the gift of its beautiful necklace. Through this Native American story, guided imagery, a detailed slide show featuring loon calls, and the "Loon Tune" accompanied by guitar, this program explores the natural history of the Common Loon, the myths surrounding this mysterious bird, the reasons for the tenuous status of loon populations in Vermont and New Hampshire today, and specific actions that people can take to assure the survival of the Common Loon. Participants create their own "loon's necklace" of string and beads to symbolize their relationship with this remarkable bird.

A 1 1/4-hour program for families, general audiences and naturalists.