A Child of God: Stories of Jesus and Stewardship Activities for Children


by Michael J. Caduto, Illustrated by Adelaide Murphy Tyrol

Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 2005.

38 pages, 10” x 10” trim with full color illustrations. Picture book for ages 8 and up.


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In an original voice, this book recounts the stories of Jesus’s life and his connections to the nature. Lucid illustrations immerse readers in the natural world of the New Testament. A Child of God also contains thoughtful reflections and engaging activities that show how to understand and act upon the wisdom of Jesus’s teachings. This book reminds us that we are all children of God: members of the natural world and human communities alike. It is a valuable resource for parents, teachers, clergy, camp counselors, environmental educators and others who want to help children understand the roots of their faith while building human community and both exploring and preserving Creation for the generations to come.